Sunday, September 13, 2009

Bear garden

Man I got to admit, this band is the shit. The band only made a 3 song demo, Disco biscuit EP and a Split called Bromance. The band is so intense with great shows and what not. There worth having on your ipod here's there stuff. Also here's a live vid of what I mean intense. They also made a demo song and a compilation song but I don't know where there at that be the only 2 missing here.

3 song demo

Disco Biscuit EP



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was a late 90's emo violence band from NY, they had numerous of members throughout its existence. There first bass player had a allergic reaction sending him to a coma for 8 days then died. The band mixed a lot of flamenco sound guitars and screamo into into it. The lead singer Billy Werner went off later on to form Hot cross which recently are in a haitus. There discography is pretty neat and not tiring. Should download it

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A retrospective


This band is also another great french screamo band. The band barely made any music besides a demo and 2 splits from the same exact demo. Only 4 songs were made. The band is still great and also should be downloaded. They do sound similar to rachel but more faster



As you heard, the band was just a project none of the members died. The band did went off to be loma prieta. Any who, Sailboats made 2 songs but for some reason on there demo there's 4. The also made an LP but cause there douche bags its not available on press. The band shortly lived, but were great though. Download there awesome demo. There very good =)



This might be one of my favorite french screamo bands the band only made a demo and a 7" it took a while to search for that 7" but found it. The songs have a gloomy sound slowish guitars and a hell a lot of screaming. I don't know anything about them but also besides them being a great influnce.

7" (Lost Songs)

First day at work

The band hasn't record much besides a 2 song demo, the band is recently recording there first EP called "In Sessions EP" which were still recording and I'll be nice and post it up here when were done releasing it. The band started off as 4 friends high in my garage jamming on a lazy day of summer. From south bay Long Beach, the 2 song demo is not so much of great quality but worth having and listening to. The Split and there In Sessions EP were very great though its a great EP its worth listening to it and there full length is pretty badass to. The band is still making new stuff
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2 song demo
In Sessions EP

Jeer at rome

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I don't know much or I don't think anyone knows much about this hardcore project Anthony green made back when he made High & Driving. There isn't much to say besides them making a 4 song demo. The project did a great job, I heard they made some unreleased demos but hardly anyone knows about it check them out there also worth hearing

Download 4 song demo

Audience of one

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Now were talking Audience of one, I got to say this was one of the most influence band in my life I ever heard and with Anthony green in it. The band started off in high school and ended when they moved on to college even though Anthony green said there on a hiatus. The band didn't released much besides a full-length and a 4 song EP, and I got to say this was the best Anthony green ever made and that I'll never forget there song show your teeth. These are worth downloading trust me.

Download I remember when this all meant something

Download 4 track demo

The thirty years war

Okay, this was way before the fall of troy began. The band was a highschool 4-piece band, the band didn't make much besides 2 EP's and a live set EP. The band sounds a slight diffirent than the fall of troy but I really perfer this than the fall of troy cause he could scream back then than now. I don't know much history about these guys besides naming there band by getting it off a textbook, the band has nice tunes the songs are very catchy. Really they do here's there only stuff they ever made together.

Download Martyrs Among the Casualties EP

Download Live at the Paradox

Download Tribune EP

I wrote haikus about cannabilsm on your yearbook

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I don't have much to say about this band besides them being really great. For most of you that know or don't know this band there songs are, all untitled except one that isn't so well recorded. The band mixes a lot of screamo with some fast hardcore/punk to it. It didn't took to long for me to like them, the lyrics are pretty down, well actually really down. I consider them as one of my top bands of all time, there very enjoyable to listen to. If your much into that emo violence thing you should really download there discography but the band isn't really 90's at all but are influenced to that 90's san diego screamo stuff. Im guessing that's what makes them sound so god damn fucking great.

Download Discography